【運行期間 Schedule】
【運行コース Bus Route】
行き 松之山温泉里山ビジターセンター10:30発⇒清津峡渓谷トンネル11:15着/12:15発⇒
帰り 越後湯沢駅西口(HATAGO井仙前)13:45発⇒清津渓谷トンネル14:15着⇒松之山温泉里山ビジターセンタ
Departure from Matsunoyama Onsen Satoyama Visitor Center at 10:30 ⇒ Arrival at Kiyotsukyo Gorge Tunnel at 11:15 ⇒ Departure from 12:15 ⇒ Arrival at Echigo Yuzawa Station West Exit at 12:45
[Caution!] This is a bus exclusively for passengers boarding at Matsunoyama Onsen, so you cannot board from Kiyotsukyo Gorge Tunnel.
Return: Depart from Echigo Yuzawa Station West Exit(HATAGO”ISEN”) at 13:45 ⇒ Arrive at Kiyotsukyo Gorge Tunnel at 14:15 ⇒ Arrive at Matsunoyama Onsen Satoyama Visitor Center at 15:00
The Kiyotsukyo Gorge Tunnel may be closed without notice due to snowfall. In that case, the tunnel will go directly to the Matsunoyama Onsen Satoyama Visitor Center, and the following schedule will be applied.
行き 松之山温泉里山ビジターセンター10:30発⇒越後湯沢駅西口11:30着
帰り 越後湯沢駅西口13:45発⇒松之山温泉里山ビジターセンター14:45着
Departure from Matsunoyama Onsen Satoyama Visitor Center at 10:30 ⇒ Arrival at Echigo Yuzawa Station West Exit at 11:30
Return: Depart from Echigo Yuzawa Station West Exit at 13:45 ⇒ Arrive at Matsunoyama Onsen Satoyama Visitor Center at 14:45
【料 金 Fare】
大人・子供 同額 片道2,500円(税込み)
0歳~2歳 無料(お席はございません)
Adults and children same price 2,500 yen one way (tax included)
0 to 2 years old: Free (no seat)
The fare is the same regardless of the section you ride.
Entrance fee to the Kiyotsukyo Gorge Tunnel is not included in the fare.
【お支払いについて Payment】
Please pay by credit card at the time of reservation or at the reception desk on the day of the tour. Payment cannot be made on the bus.
The reception counter is at the Matsunoyama Onsen Satoyama Visitor Center or the Yukiguni Kankosha.
【乗車方法 How to board the bus】
If you paid in advance by credit card, please show the reservation screen to the bus driver before boarding.
If you are paying in cash, please show your ticket to the bus driver before boarding.
【ご利用条件 Terms and Conditions】
・最小催行人員 1名様
・利用バス会社 銀嶺観光バス
・添乗員/ガイド 同行いたしません
・申込締め切り 出発時間の1時間前まで
・Minimum number of passengers: 1
・Bus company Ginrei Kanko Bus
・Tour conductor/guide will not accompany the tour.
・Reservation deadline 1 hour prior to departure
The contract for the tour is considered to be concluded when the reservation/purchase completion screen is displayed after the reservation/purchase information confirmation screen. Reservations are accepted by Yukiguni Kankosha. For changes or cancellations, please contact the corresponding office indicated in the confirmation e-mail sent automatically at the time of conclusion of the contract.
【取消料について Cancellation Fee】
If you cancel the day before your trip, you will be charged a cancellation fee of 50% of the fare, and if you cancel on the day of your trip, you will be charged a cancellation fee of 100% of the fare.
松之山温泉合同会社まんま 里山ビジターセンター
営業時間 9:00~17:00
TEL:025-785-5353 ※水曜日定休日
【主催】 雪国観光舎
【共催】 松之山温泉合同会社まんま